Leadership Development - Pharmaceuticals
Project X Partners were engaged to support an international pharmaceutical company with designing and delivering a Leadership Programme for their top talent across Europe and the Middle East. Building futureproof leadership skills and enhancing internal capability to navigate the future of work/ VUCA World were key objectives for the programme.
We designed a programme that blended with internal company processes and leveraged 360 insight tools. Through the facilitation of interactive face-to-face workshops, we provided the participants the opportunity to come together and explore theory, case studies and practically apply an agile leadership mindset to their work context.
Content included organisational and individual purpose, motivation and values, understanding self leadership style and its impact in driving change and engagement.
Effective conversations, communications and the art of storytelling were discussed in the context of increasing individual and organisational agility.
The leaders recognised the need and opportunity to be brave, disruptive and Agile to navigate the future of work whilst operating within an environment where reliable scientific process, rigour and regulation are at the core.
Overall, participants shared that they had all increased their knowledge of business agility and in particular how to apply the leadership principles to their current context.
Participants left the programme energised, excited for the future and ready to experiment with their teams in taking calculated risks and failing fast to learn faster.
The programme continues for a new cohort during 2023.